Teenage hacker breaches Uber security, accesses systems and Slack

Teenage hacker breaches Uber security, accesses systems and Slack

Uber is investigating a security event after claiming that its computer network had been breached.

The New York Times reported that an employee's Slack chat software had been accessed by a hacker, who then used it to warn all Uber workers of the company's data breach.

Many of the company's internal systems appear to have been compromised due to the intrusion.

Uber employees received the hacker's message Thursday afternoon; then, the Slack System was taken offline.

In response to Reuters, Slack stated that the event was under investigation and that there was no evidence of a vulnerability of its platform.

Uber's system was compromised using social engineering methods that other hackers recently used to compromise Microsoft and Okta systems.

The hacker, who identified himself as an 18-year-old, claimed that Uber's low security was why he could access its servers.