July 26, 2024

Systeme.io Landing page Templates for FREE

systeme io landing page templates

If you are an online entrepreneur, you probably know the importance of having a landing page. A landing page is a web page that is designed to capture the attention of your visitors and persuade them to take a specific action, such as signing up for your email list, buying your product, or registering for your webinar.

A landing page is different from a regular web page because it has a clear and focused goal, and it eliminates any distractions that might prevent your visitors from achieving that goal. A landing page is also where you can showcase your unique value proposition, your benefits, your social proof, and your call to action.

But how do you create a landing page that works? And what tools do you need to make it happen? In this article, we will show you how to create a landing page with systeme.io, an all-in-one marketing platform that offers various tools for entrepreneurs, such as sales funnels, email marketing, online courses, website builder, and more. We will also explain why you need a landing page and what are the best practices to follow.

Why You Need a Landing Page

A landing page is essential for any online business because it can help you:

– Increase your conversions: A landing page can boost your conversion rate by providing a clear and compelling offer to your visitors and by guiding them to take the desired action. According to a study by Unbounce, the average conversion rate for landing pages across all industries is 9.7%, which is much higher than the average conversion rate for websites, which is around 2.35%.

– Grow your email list: A landing page can help you build your email list by offering a lead magnet, such as a free ebook, a report, a checklist, or a video, in exchange for your visitors’ email addresses. This way, you can collect qualified leads that are interested in your topic and nurture them with email marketing until they are ready to buy from you.

– Promote your products or services: A landing page can help you sell your products or services by showcasing their features, benefits, and testimonials, and by providing a clear and urgent call to action. A landing page can also help you upsell or cross-sell your other products or services by offering them as add-ons, bundles, or discounts.

– Launch your online course: A landing page can help you launch your online course by creating hype and anticipation for your launch, by offering a free or discounted trial, by displaying your curriculum and instructor credentials, and by collecting feedback and testimonials from your students.

How to Create a Landing Page with Systeme.io

Systeme.io is a powerful and affordable platform that can help you create landing pages easily and quickly. It offers many features that can help you create landing pages that convert, such as:

  • A drag-and-drop editor that allows you to customize your landing page without any coding skills
  • A library of templates that you can use as a starting point for your landing page design
  • A split-testing feature that allows you to test different versions of your landing page and see which one performs better

To create a landing page with systeme.io, you need to follow these steps:

1. Sign up for a systeme.io account. You can start with a free plan that allows you to create up to 3 landing pages, or you can choose a paid plan that offers more features and unlimited landing pages.

2. Choose a template for your landing page. You can browse the template library and select the one that suits your goal and niche. You can also filter the templates by category, such as lead generation, sales, webinar, or course. Alternatively, you can start from scratch and create your own landing page design.

3. Customize your landing page. You can use the drag-and-drop editor to add, edit, or delete elements on your landing page, such as text, images, videos, buttons, forms, countdown timers, and more. You can also change the colors, fonts, and layout of your landing page to match your brand and style.

4. Add your content and copy. You can write your headline, subheadline, body copy, and call to action on your landing page. You can also add your logo, favicon, and domain name to your landing page. Make sure your content and copy are clear, concise, and persuasive, and that they highlight your unique value proposition, your benefits, your social proof, and your urgency.

5. Test and publish your landing page. You can preview your landing page and see how it looks on different devices and browsers. You can also split-test your landing page and create different versions of it to see which one converts better. Once you are satisfied with your landing page, you can publish it and share it with your audience.

6. Track and optimize your landing page. You can use the tracking and analytics feature to monitor the performance of your landing page and see how many visitors, leads, and sales it generates. You can also use the integration feature to connect your landing page with other tools and automate your marketing processes.

Free Systeme.io landing pages templates

Some expert users share their landing page templates totally free, one of the most popular sites is Funnelprotips.com. On this site you can find sales funnel templates, landing page templates and websites with very professional designs.


A landing page is a vital tool for any online entrepreneur who wants to increase their conversions, grow their email list, promote their products or services, or launch their online course. With systeme.io, you can create landing pages easily and quickly, without any coding skills or expensive tools. Systeme.io offers many features that can help you create landing pages that convert, such as a drag-and-drop editor, a template library, a split-testing feature, a tracking and analytics feature, and an integration feature.

If you want to learn more about systeme.io, you can visit their official website or check out some of the landinbg page examples created by other users. We hope this article has helped you understand how to create a landing page with systeme.io and why you need it. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

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