July 26, 2024

Builderall Templates for Download Free [2023]

builderall templates

If you are working with Builderall, you know that it is a very complete platform to automate your business. In this article I am sharing Builderall Templates that I have built myself, and I think it will be very helpful for people who are learning to use the Builderall Cheetah Builder.

Builderall already has many years helping entrepreneurs who have small and large businesses, focusing on providing tools that automate the process of capturing leads, and then convert them into customers.

Many of the tools or applications that Builderall contains in its platform, were constantly updated, several tools were added in each version, improving more and more features and functionality.

The most current version is Builderall 5.0, which in my opinion comes with many improvements over previous versions, then we make a brief summary of the features of this new version.

Builderall 5.0

Builderall Templates
Builderall Templates

Since the launch of Builderall years ago, this platform has been improving its tools frequently, but not only their applications, also their plans were adapted to the economy of its users, there were even a few months by 2020 that Builderall had a Free plan, called Super Free Plan.

More and more users are deciding to create their websites with Builderall, for the speed, the ease with which you can create a website, and most of all, for the automations that you can add to your site created with Builderall.

Builderall Features (5.0)

Among the main features of Builderall, the ones that stand out the most are:

  • The ease of creating websites without having to touch code, using only the mouse you will manage to build very professional web pages from scratch.
  • You can build Landing pages, sales funnels, add checkout for online sales, you can build an Ecommerce, sites to book appointments with the Booking application, virtually any site you want to create for your business, you can build it with Builderall.
  • Lead capture, Builderall has a complete system for collecting data from visitors to your website, you can capture emails, phone numbers, and more.
  • Video editing, you can edit videos and host your videos.
  • Graphics design, create and edit graphics for your business.
  • App Builder, design and develop iOS and Android applications.

But Builderall has more tools, and some of them are the ones that deserve a more detailed review, such as the following:

Also Read: Best free alternative to Clickfunnels

Builderall Cheetah Builder

Builderall’s website builder is called Cheetah Builder (I imagine because of how fast and fluid it is). The Cheetah Website Builder works incredibly well, because unlike other builders, with this one you can place your element anywhere on your page that you are building.

Builderall Cheetah site builder has improved a lot over the years, I have to say that at first I didn’t like it that much, but with the new Builderall Version 5.0, the builder obeys the mouse much more fluently.

The other great advantage of the cheetah editor builder is that it has many more features than other applications, which we will list below:

  • You can add your own font
  • Add animation to buttons
  • You can easily add anchors to any part of your web site.
  • PNG images load quickly
  • You can use gradients

Builderall Cheetah Builder for WordPress

Cheetah Builder for WordPress
Cheetah Builder for WordPress

Can you really use the Cheetah Builder in WordPress? The answer is, of course you can.

As of Builderall 5.0 the creators of Builderall have added a plugin so you can connect the Cheetah Website Builder to WordPress.

Now you can build websites in your WordPress using this amazing builder, and not only that, you can integrate the MailingBoss (for Email Marketing), the Booking application (Automate appointments and online reservations), the Webinar application (to attract customers), and other applications that Builderall has but applied in your WordPress.

If you are tired of paying monthly fees, recently Builderall launched a one-time lifetime payment option, which means you can have Builderall on your WordPress without having to sign up for a Builderall Monthly Plan.

Builderall Lifetime Access
Builderall Lifetime Access

This offer comes with applications such as: MailingBoos, Builderall Booking and obviously the cheetah site Builder.
You can access this one-time Builderall offer by clicking on the button below.

Is it possible to move a site built with Cheetah Builder to WordPress?

I asked the same question to the Builderall support team, and the answer is that you cannot move your sites built in Builderall to WordPress, the only thing left is to replicate the website again.

Builderall Booking

For me the best application that Builderall has after cheetah website builder is Builderall Booking.

This application is very useful for local business or digital business. Automating the customer acquisition process with Builderall Booking is another level, because people who visit your site schedule their appointments and reservations themselves, leaving their contact number or email.

The people I helped to set up their site with online reservations thanks to Builderall Booking, were very happy, and indicated that their businesses received more customers.

I went on too long explaining the features of Builderall 5.0, but it was worth writing more about some of the tools.
Now, let’s get to the Builderall Templates for free download.

Builderall Templates Free

I have been working for a long time with the Builderall Cheetah builder, so I want to share Builderall Website templates for free, which you can download from the button below.

These Builderall website examples are not part of the templates that Builderall has on its platform, therefore, you will only find them on this blog.

If you have an active Builderall account, you can import one or all of the sites I show below.
If you don’t have an account, you can sign up for a Builderall Plan from Builderall.com, or by clicking here.

Whenever I can I will be adding more Builderall Website Templates for you to import to your account for Free.

Builderall Templates Fitness 1 Preview
Builderall Templates Pet
Builderall Templates Pet Preview
Builderall Templates Dentist
Builderall Templates Dentist Preview
Builderall Templates consulting
Builderall Templates Consulting Preview
Builderall Templates spa
Builderall Templates Spa Preview
Builderall Templates doctor
Builderall Templates Doctor Preview
Builderall Templates Hair Salon Preview

Builderall Lifetime Deal

If you were looking for an offer where you don’t have to pay monthly payments to use all the Builderall tools, you could choose Builderall for WordPress, which comes with Builderall Booking, Builderall Mailing Boss, and Builderall Webinar.

This offer of Builderall for WordPress is a single payment for life; you can forget the costs you must make every month.
You have access to Cheetah Builder optimized to accelerate the speed of your websites; you can capture leads with MailingBoos, add an online shift system, and create all the webinars you need.

Builderall Lifetime for WordPress will only be active for a limited time, and only the regular plans will remain.
Access Builderall Lifetime Deal from the button below.

Is there a Builderall discount code?

For now there is no Builderall coupon code or Builderall Discount code, but the Platform is frequently releasing promotions.

What you can take advantage of is the Cheetah Builder for WordPress which is a one-time payment for life, so you can forget about monthly payments.

Take a look at this offer by clicking on the button below:

Is there a Builderall Free Plan?

Yes there was in the Builderall 4.0 version, however, the creators decided to remove that plan for reasons we do not know, as it was very well accepted by users.

If you want a site builder with a Free Plan, you can check this next option: Systeme best Clickfunnels Alternative.

Final Words

There are many no-code site builder options, but from my experience, Builderall is the most complete, surpassing Clickfunnels and other similar platforms.

I hope this article has helped you in some way, and if you need a template for a specific niche, you can suggest it in the comments below.

Thanks for making it this far, please don’t forget to share.

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