July 27, 2024

Best Spanish speech to text Converter Online

spanish speech to text

Best Spanish speech to text converter online will depend on your needs, but there are a few that stand out from the rest and they are even free, I have tried many sites, and some of them have not convinced me, but there is a free platform and that converts a speech in Spanish to text.

Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world and one of the 5 official languages of the United Nations. There is many Spanish Text to Speech converters online that can help you transcribe your Spanish speech into a text.

Best Spanish speech to text converter IA

One of the platforms that has worked best for me and with which I currently do my projects in Spanish is Microsoft’s Azure Artificial Intelligence.

spanish voice to text
spanish voice to text

Tech giants like Google, IBM, Amazon, Microsoft, and many others have AI cloud services that you can access without having to create an account. We are talking about Demo services that are available to everyone.

Among these, Microsoft’s Artificial Intelligence called Azure stands out. Having done many tests on other platforms, I can confirm that this is the best online tool to convert Spanish speech to text.

In my experience, the accuracy with which it converts a Spanish audio file to text is better than other platforms, saving you time and money in this work.

However, no online platform even if it works with Artificial Intelligence works with 100% accuracy, you will still have to manually correct some words as it depends a lot on the audio quality and how well the words are pronounced.

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Can convert a Spanish speech to English text?

No, unfortunately, Azure’s artificial intelligence does not convert a Spanish speech to text in English directly, to get the text in English you will have to use an online translator like Deepl.com, which is better than Google translator.

Features of Azure’s Spanish speech to text Converter

Azure’s platform, offers an online spanish voice to text converter in its demo version free, in which you don’t even have to register with any email, you just have to have your audio file, upload it to the converter and that’s it.

But there are some details you need to know:

  • It only supports WAV file format, so if you have your Spanish speech in MP3 format you will have to convert it to WAV format using free software like Audacity.
  • The file you are going to upload must not be longer than 10 minutes.
  • You can not only convert audios in Spanish, but the platform can also convert in more than 40 languages and accents, so if you are looking to convert an audio with a Mexican or Spanish accent you can do it, it is advisable to choose the accent in which the audio is so that the artificial intelligence can better recognize the words.

Now let’s get to the important part, in the next section I will show you the steps you should follow to convert a Spanish speech to text.

How to turn a Spanish speech into a text

1. First we have to go to the Microsoft Azure platform, for that you can follow this link or click on the button below. Scroll down and you will find the button to load the file and the language options box.

spanish speech to text
spanish speech to text

2. Choose the language and the accent, in this case, Mexican Spanish.

spanish voice to text
spanish voice to text

3. Upload your audio file containing the Spanish speech from your computer.

Spanish speech to text converter Free
Spanish speech to text converter Free

Remember that your audio file must be in WAV format and if it is not, download and install the free program Audacity on your computer.

Steps to convert an MP3 audio file to WAV format.

a. Open Audacity and import your audio file, you can do this by dragging your file onto the program or by searching for the file on your computer from the File tab.

b. In the Audacity toolbar click on File —> Export —> and then choose the WAV Format as well as the location.
With these steps, you are ready to load the file into the Speech to text converter.

After loading the audio file, the program will start converting to text automatically. Now you just need to make some corrections in Word or any text editor program.

Final words

As a recommendation try to use Spanish and Mexican accents because artificial intelligence works better with these options.

As I mentioned before, no software can convert Spanish speech to text with 100% accuracy, you can use other platforms that correct grammar like Grammarly.

I hope this post has been helpful, please don’t forget to share.

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