July 26, 2024

Best tools for Instagram Growth

Instagram growth service

In this article, we will review two Best tools for Instagram Growth in an organic and legal way, where you will quickly get real followers, people who are really interested in your content.

There are many tools on the internet that provide Instagram growth service, most of them send you fake followers, bots that will not interact, give you likes or comment on your account, therefore, it is not recommended to use those services.

One of the tools is Kicksta, Kicksta offers the best organic Instagram growth service based on showing your account to followers from other accounts with thousands of followers, with a similar thematic to your account.

The other tool is Upleap, a platform specialized in growing your Instagram account, this platform delegates a personal account manager to your Instagram account, so your account manager will do all the heavy lifting and all you need to do is check your account from time to time.

How Does Kicksta work?

instagram organic growth service

Once you sign up, provide us with a list of target Instagram accounts that have followers that you’d like to attract. These should be profiles that are similar to yours: competitors, complementary brands, influencers in your niche, etc.

Then we’ll ‘like’ 1-2 photos from each user following those target accounts that you provided. Those users will get a notification that you liked their photo and come check out your Instagram. Since we’re targeting similar accounts to yours, it increases the likelihood that they’ll also like your brand and want to follow you.

We like around 10,000 photos a month, helping to boost the overall organic reach on your page. You’ll be able to manage your target accounts and check your progress in the Kicksta dashboard.

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How Does Upleap work?

Upleap connects you with an Instagram guru, helping you find and grow your target audience on Instagram.

Upleap assigns you a person who will ask you some questions like: what is your objective, your interests, what followers do you want to capture, etc.

What is the best Instagram Growth Tool?

Depending on the strategy these tools have to grow your Instagram Kicksta account can be an excellent option, but if you want to completely delegate Instagram account growth to other people and see only the results Upleap is the best option.

How many followers should I expect by using Kicksta or Upleap?

Both tools indicate that the results in your account begin to be seen from the first hours, however, the growth of each account is different, also depends on the content you have in your accounts.

If you’re consistently posting high-quality content, you’re definitely going to see a higher number of Instagram followers

Kicksta Pricing

Now there is also the issue of price, these tools are not free, both have different prices and plans from which you can choose the one that suits you best.

instagram hacks for organic growth
Kicksta Pricing

Upleap Pricing

best tools for instagram growth
Upleap Pricing

My Opinion

According to reviews that have these 2 tools to grow your Instagram account in an organic and real way, both work very well, they don’t use the follow and stop strategy, which usually the Instagram algorithm takes as if it were a robot.

If you use either of these platforms, you don’t run the risk of getting your account banned, so you can rest easy.

On the other way, it is better to use these platforms only as a push strategy, when your Instagram account is new, try to have interesting content for your audience, and that way your account will constantly grow organically.

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