July 26, 2024

Best Auto Subtitle Generator Software

Auto Subtitle Generator Software

If you have ever tried to add subtitles to any video, you know how difficult it can be; however, an Auto Subtitle Generator software transcribes any video and generates the .srt file with a few clicks.

An automatic subtitle generator with incredible precision saves you the pain of creating the subtitles frame by frame.

I know, it sounds unbelievable

But it is true

In this article, we are going to make a complete review of how Descript works, powerful software that generates subtitles and closed captions completely automatically. Plus, a short tutorial so you can generate your subtitles right now.

Descript, Best Auto Subtitle Generator

auto suibtitle generator software
Auto subtitle generator

Descript is an all-in-one software that works with AI for audio and video transcription; this platform also comes with an integrated application to add Voice Overs that sound very natural, almost like human voices.

It also includes a cloud-based Video Editor that is very smooth and fast. 

Why do you need to subtitle a video?

Subtitling your videos not only makes them more accessible to a wider audience but also increases the reach, visits, and views of your business.

Why do you need to subtitle a video?
Why do you need to subtitle a video?

When creating audiovisual material, there are numerous aspects to consider, and one of them is, without question, the use of subtitles in videos.

According to Digiday, 85 percent of Facebook videos are watched without sound to give you a sense of how important subtitles are. As a result, if the video does not have subtitles or is poorly described in the pictures, the audience will likely reject it.

Subtitled videos are becoming more and more prevalent these days. This is because captions broaden the reach of publications by making them more accessible to a wider range of people.

Furthermore, video subtitles offer the impression of well-made and high-quality products, which are significant features that might alter the overall user experience.

This makes a huge impact on the lives of certain people. After all, many Internet users are deaf, can’t hear the audio at the moment, or the visual didn’t catch their interest enough to keep them watching the video all the way through.

Here are some other reasons to caption a video: 

1. It broadens the audience.

Your video may be seen by someone who speaks the same language as your video, but that person might be from another region or even another nation. Due to cultural differences or regional variances in the language, this individual may not fully comprehend all that is being stated.

As a result, the subtitles in the videos will assist this viewer in comprehending the entire message.

However, extending the reach of videos requires more than just adding text to the mix. It’s also a question of translation. A video in English with Spanish subtitles, for example, will be able to reach a larger audience and hence attract a larger audience.

Expanding your business internationally and therefore boosting your influence in your field is a fantastic opportunity.

Another reason to subtitle your films is SEO purposes, as search engines like Google and YouTube favor subtitled videos. By helping your media rank higher on these tools, you may reach a larger audience.

In your video marketing plan, optimizing your video for SEO tools will be quite beneficial.

2. Increase accessibility 

The accessibility of your material is critical, and it should be taken into account even if your marketing approach isn’t.

Consider subtitling your video with these people in mind, so they can understand your content and, as a result, interact with your brand. In addition to worrying about issues like audio quality, keep in mind that there are also people with hearing impairment who will be unable to hear the sound of the narration, sound effects, etc.

However, there are occasions when the user cannot hear the audio, either because they are in a public location or because they do not have headphones, in which case subtitles would be perfect.

There are even situations where a person will quit viewing a video if it does not offer subtitles.

Read also: Best platform to create Doodle Explainer Videos without monthly plans

How to Work this automatic caption generator?

To generate subtitles automatically, Descript works in a very simple way; we will explain to you all the steps:

1. First step, you have to create an account on Descript by clicking here (it’s free), use any email you have, then you have to download the Descript application for your computer.

2. Create a new project with the name you want.

Descript, auto subtitle generator software,
Descript, auto subtitle generator software

3. Drag or import the video or audio you want to add subtitles.

Auto subtitle generator software

4. Once the Transcript of your video has been generated, and you have two options to edit it.

a) You can use the same Descript video editor, customize the subtitles, change the font color and the background color of the subtitles.

b) Download the transcript in the .srt file, which is perfectly synchronized with your video.

Tip: You can translate the same .srt file into a foreign language (Spanish, for example) using Deepl.com, and your video will have a wider reach because Spanish speakers will be able to understand the content.

Here below is a Video Tutorial on how to use Descript as an Automatic Caption Generator.

Descript, Auto Caption Generator (Tutorial)

Auto Subtitle Generator

Descript Pricing

Descript’s plans and prices are the most affordable. The Premium plan gives you the option to generate subtitles for up to 3 hours of video, the Creator Plan is priced at $12, and the Pro version is priced at $24.

Descript Pricing and Plans
Descript Pricing and Plans

How much do people charge for adding subtitles?

On sites like Fiverr.com, people offer the service of transcribing videos and adding subtitles; these people charge from 5$ for every 5 minutes, it is not very expensive, but if you want to add subtitles to 10 videos that last more than 5 minutes, you would be investing about 100$.

It is not a bad idea to hire a Fiverr service to delegate a job that can cost you more time, I have never bought a service, and the truth is that it is very reliable; just be sure to check the reviews and ratings of each seller.


Descript has proved to be a great help in my business and is that not only do I focus on the application to generate subtitles automatically, I also work with the tool to create Voice Over or text to Speech that comes integrated into the platform, but I also find it easier to edit my videos and add subtitles from the same Descript Editor and if I want to add some editing in Premiere Pro and is much easier.

The AI with which Descript works is amazing; it is the only software that comes very close to recognizing all the words said in a video, surpassing even Youtube itself.

It is one of the platforms that I highly recommend to Video content creators since it also has a Freemium Plan.

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