July 27, 2024

Best Doodle Maker Video

Doodle maker

Today I’m going to talk about software that I think you will be very interested in its name is Doodle Maker and as its name indicates is a software that you can use to make videos like Doodle.

What is Doodle Maker?

doodle maker

Doodle Maker is software to create Doodle Videos, using whiteboard or blackboard for the background of your videos.

There are many software packages that make these types of videos, but what makes Doodle Maker different from other software?

Well it’s simply that it’s much easier to use than other software

With Doodle Maker, we can make this type of video very quickly and easily, which makes it much more desirable to make this type of video: the Doodle videos are the videos that most hooked to see a hand as it is writing and drawing, it hooks us and makes us stay stuck on the screen watching that video.

They are more effective in conveying an idea, in communicating a message. With Doodle Maker, you’ll be able to do it in a much easier way,

What can you do with Doodle Maker?

doodle maker video features

With Doodle Maker you can create videos in three different ways:

You can make videos based on templates that are already built into the software, there are over 300 templates so all you have to do is enter your own text and create your video.

One of the things that are totally innovative within Doodle Maker is that you can enter a text, the software will take those words you entered, it will understand the meaning of the text and will create the Video Doodle.

The third way to create your videos is to start from an old video, you will be able to create a Video Doodle and you will also be able to use that video in different languages. The software will transcribe the video and translate it so as you can see it is a very complete software that is easy to use.

Click Play To Watch DoodleMaker In Action

Why Doodle Videos work well

Drastically Increase Online

Traffic & Click Rates

Animated whiteboard videos have been shown to increase visitor and click through rates over traditional marketing materials – cartoonmedia.com

doodle maker video

Capture And KEEP Viewer


Doodle animation videos retain subject attention by 15% MORE than a live-narrative film – Dr. Richard Wiseman, highly regarded science and psychology professor

Naturally Boost Conversions

and Sales

These MULTI-SENSORY videos generate up to 9X higher conversions & 2X higher sales over standard talking head videos

doodle video maker

Doodle Maker Pricing

Doodle Maker is priced at $67, one-time payment, use the “DOODLE” Coupon to get an $18 discount, so you only have to pay $49

Go to the Official Doodle Maker page, click here

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