July 26, 2024

Bulk WhatsApp Message: How to Schedule and Send

bulk whatsapp message

Bulk Whatsapp Message is one of the best ways to build customer loyalty and increase sales, the communication is more direct where you can even add images and videos in the messages.

In this sense, a Whatsapp marketing strategy involves actions ranging from mere direct communication with users to sending valuable content.

Thus, campaigns through this platform can be part of global strategies of inbound marketing, customer service, and even sales.

Although WhatsApp is not a tool designed for commercial contexts, the innovative approach of brands has allowed expanding its use beyond the social and familiar.

In this way, companies and people with small businesses have begun to sow their seeds in a very fertile territory, because a platform that offers so many advantages cannot be left out of a digital marketing strategy, don’t you think?

What are WhatsApp Bulk Messages?

Bulk whatsapp message
Bulk WhatsApp Message

It is a very effective way to communicate with our leads and build customer loyalty, with campaigns that can include videos and images, in addition to being able to be expressed in an unlimited number of characters.

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How to send a Bulk Whatsapp Message

How to send a Bulk Whatsapp Message
How to send and schedule a Bulk Whatsapp Message

Surely you already know the broadcast messages that Whatsapp has as a way to send mass messages, however, this feature is very limited as you can only send your message to a group that consists of a maximum of 256 members. Obviously, you can send the same mass message to another group, so you will have to do almost manual work if you want to reach more leads.

Another big disadvantage of broadcast messages is that the person to whom you sent the mass message does not have you added to their contact list, your message will not reach them.

To send a Bulk Whatsapp Message, or if you prefer to schedule it to be sent every certain time, we can use amazing software like WhatDROID.

WhatDROID is software with cloud technology that works with the Whatsapp Web version, this to not violate any rules of the creators of Whatsapp and for your account to be safe.

How does WhatDROID work?

The operation of WhatDROID is simple, as shown in the DEMO video, when you open the Dashboard you have to add any Whatsapp account.

Depending on the version of WhatDROID you can add more than one account.

The messages sent through WhatDROID are if you were sending one by one, therefore, it is not necessary that the person to whom you are sending the message has you added as a contact.

You can add contacts through a .CSV file.

You can schedule messages or create a sequence, simply indicate the time you want your messages to be sent and that’s it, it’s really amazing. You practically have an autoresponder but from Whatsapp.

As if it were an autoresponder, you can customize the messages you want to send by entering the code that will automatically link to the contact’s name.

Clean your contact list, WhatDROID has the functionality to verify which numbers are valid or are associated with a Whatsapp account, in order to discard those contacts who do not use Whatsapp.

how whatdroid works
How whatDROID works

Advantages of Whatsapp Bulk

The great advantage of Whatsapp Marketing and Bulk WhatsApp Message is that you show you directly to your lead, the open rate exceeds 90%, this means that people are more likely to open and read a message that comes to them from Whatsapp, which is what does not happen with email marketing, which in the best case you can get an open rate between 15% and 25%.

Another interesting feature about Whatsapp Marketing, is that you can send links, images, audio and video. With these elements you have more options to connect with your lead and increase conversions.

>>> Learn more about WhatDROID and how to start your business with WhatsApp Marketing campaign.

send bulk whatsapp message

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