July 26, 2024

Build Landing Pages with Clickfunnels

how to build a sales funnel with clickfunnels

Today I am going to talk to you about Clickfunnels, how to use it, and how it benefits our business to have a Sales Funnel.

What is Clickfunnels?

To begin we need to understand what a Sales Funnel is and how it differs from a normal website, and then compare the benefits of a funnel.

For example, if we go to see the Microsoft.com site, a very famous site, you can see that it has many buttons and many options where those who view this site are easily distracted by the various options.

clickfunnels vs common website
Website Vs Sales Funnel

If we send people to our website with either Paid Traffic or Organic Traffic our consumers get lost or distracted between the various sections.

In contrast, a sales funnel is made for our consumer to follow step by step the things we want them to do, a website has too many distractions compared to a sales funnel.

Clickfunnels helps us to easily build Sales Funnels to capture the emails of our potential customers, or also to sell our products since it easily integrates with payment platforms such as Paypal and Stripe.

clickfunnels template
Sales Funnel Template with Clickfunnels

How to build a Sales funnel with Clickfunnels

ClickFunnels is a sales funnel builder, it is not a website builder, nor is it a blog builder. There are other similar programs like Builderall or Leadpages, but ClickFunnels is the most famous of these platforms.

Clickfunnels Dashboard

Clickfunnels Login

First, you have to register ClickFunnels by clicking here, once you have registered you will access the desktop or Dashboard where we can see how many sales we have had today, in the last 7 days, the last 4 weeks, and the last 12 months.

Obviously, this is a trial account that I just created for the demo of this blog, so there are no sales here.

Then let’s click Funnels in the Main Menu and click on “Funnels

We can see how many visits we have received in our funnels, how many pages we have created, and also how many Funnels we have in our account.

To create a new Funnel simply click on the “Add New” button

Build a funnel with Click Funnels
Build a funnel with Click Funnels

We can choose between the two options “Cookbook Builder Process” or “Classic Funnel Builder“.

The Cookbook option is where you find all the templates that ClickFunnels has created.

In this case, we will choose Classic Funnel Builder which will then present us with 3 other options about the type of funnel we want to create, or we can also create one from scratch.

In the Marketplace we can use funnels that other people have created, some are very expensive at $300, $150, and some are free but not very good.

Click funnels Marketplace
Click funnels Marketplace

If we choose a Squeeze page, the funnel will be imported into our account where we can customize it as we wish. Just click on “Get Funnel”.

custom funnel with clickfunnels
Custom Funnel

Once in our account, we can see the Funnel settings, change the name, link it to a domain, change the URL path and other basic options, configure payments, color, font size, styles, etc.

funnel settings of clickfunnels
Funnel Settings

We can edit the steps of our funnel by configuring where we want our funnel to go every time a person clicks on the CTA buttons.

Funnel steps settings
Funnel steps settings

Split Testing with ClickFunnels

It is an option that has Clickfunnels that serves to compare which funnel has more conversions, we can create several funnels with some modifications and send traffic.

Clickfunnels will show the different funnels that we have created and configured for that campaign, then we have to send all the traffic to the funnel that is generating more sales and conversions.

split testing with clickfunnels
Split testing

Clickfunnels Pricing

How much does clickfunnels cost?

The plans offered by Clickfunnels are $97 and $297, in the Startup plan you have email support that is not very fast and limited tools, while in the Enterprise plan you get everything you need to create a complete sales funnel, and the support is faster.

how much is clickfunnels
Clickfunnels Pricing

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