July 26, 2024

How do I add Closed captions to my Youtube Video?

How do I add Closed captions to my Youtube Video

Many Youtube content creators ask themselves the same question, How do I add Closed captions to my Youtube Video? To answer it, we are going to show you a very easy method to generate and add closed captions to your Youtube Videos.

One of the ways to generate subtitles for your Youtube channel videos is using Youtube Studio itself, however, in some cases, this Youtube tool takes some time.

The other setback that can occur, is that you want to add subtitles in a different language than the one in the video, in this case, Youtube will not be able to generate subtitles in another language.

That’s why in this article, we are not going to focus on how to add subtitles with Youtube itself, because there is a great tool that makes the process easy with just a few clicks, where you can even translate the title and description quickly.

How do I add Closed captions to my Youtube Video?

How do I add Closed captions to my Youtube Video?
How do I add Closed captions to my Youtube Video?

The advantage of adding subtitles in a foreign language to your Youtube videos is that this way you get a greater reach, more people who speak other languages watch your videos.

For this method we are going to use a tool that simplifies this process and uses Google’s artificial intelligence to generate the subtitles and if you prefer, add subtitles in foreign languages.

The tool is Lingo Blaster 2.0, this software uses artificial intelligence to generate the subtitles of your videos, translates the titles and descriptions optimizing the scope of the same video for different languages, therefore, this becomes more views, more likes and more subscribers.

how to add subtitles to youtube videos online
How to add subtitles to youtube videos online

The operation of Lingo Blaster is very simple, you integrate it to your Youtube account, choose the language, exclude the words you do not want to translate, save the changes, click on publish and ready, you have your video published and available for others to see it, especially in the language to which it was translated.

You can also consult this article where we talk about How to position your Youtube videos in the first positions of Google and Youtube quickly.

Lingo Blaster 2.0 DEMO

Add Closed captions to my Youtube Video

Why add subtitles to your Youtube videos?

How do I add Closed captions to my Youtube Video?

Subtitles have become an essential tool for the universal accessibility of videos on the Internet. And not only for deaf people, but they can make anyone enjoy a video in any situation: a waiting room where we can not give volume to our cell phone, we have broken the sound card or the environment in which we are very noisy.


The decision whether or not to include subtitles in your videos can determine the viewing or rejection of a large number of viewers. Many users access their social networks and different online platforms or channels via their smartphones on the bus, at work or in crowded places. If the video is incomprehensible without audio and they do not have headphones at the time they will be frustrated in their intention to watch it.

More important is the accessibility of this content to deaf and hard of hearing people, firstly so as not to deprive them of this right, and secondly because it means marginalizing an audience of more than 300 million people in the world. This is something that no company or brand that aims to reach the largest number of potential customers can afford. To help achieve the latter goal, another good strategy is to subtitle videos in another language.

For both brand and user success, accessibility cannot be overlooked in the video production process. Include subtitles to make your content accessible to everyone who wants to watch it.

SEO positioning

how to add subtitles to youtube videos online

The inclusion of text in videos helps a lot in their optimization, since search engines cannot crawl images. They read text and codes from the different pages to find indicators that determine the relevance of the information with which they respond to each search. If you use subtitles in your videos you will enjoy great advantages in search engines like Google, which prioritize informative videos. In this way, videos with subtitles will have a much better chance of appearing in the first positions of the results pages than those that do not use text.

For better SEO positioning, use keywords in the subtitles and place the transcript on the page or in the HTML header and on YouTube.

You can also consult this article where we talk about How to position your Youtube videos in the first positions of Google and Youtube quickly.


Some content creators are capitalizing on the popularity of subtitles to reach users, who are increasingly moving from one place to another by playing videos on social networks and digital platforms without audio. For this reason, and because text makes videos more understandable, their productions cannot do without subtitles. Many viral videos, YouTube channels or successful websites use them as one of the main elements of their editions.

Subtitles in videos are already a benchmark in the online content industry and will allow you to differentiate yourself from your competition and better position your brand.

I hope this has given you an answer to your question > How do I add Closed captions to my Youtube Video?

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