July 26, 2024

Systeme.io: Best ClickFunnels Alternative 2022

Systeme.io Best Clickfunnels Alternative 2021

Systeme.io is the new platform with the same functions as Clickfunnels, but with other features that make it the best option to consider in 2021.

If you are starting to carry out your first Marketing campaigns, Clickfunnels may seem like a very expensive tool, which is why Systeme.io is an excellent alternative in terms of price, functionalities, and ease of use.

Clickfunnels is good, but it needs other integrations that increase the cost it has to leave your business.

What is Systeme.io?

Systeme.io Marketing Tool
Systeme.io Marketing Tool

Systeme.io is an all-in-one Marketing Tool to build a Complete Marketing Campaign. It has all the tools needed to launch a Marketing Campaign, so you don’t have to use a third tool like an autoresponder.

Best Sales Funnel Builder?

What launched Clickfunnels into popularity, is the ease of building Sales Funnels with its Drag and Drop system, where we have the options to edit sections, columns and configure them as we wish, however, Clickfunnels is limited to just that, Building Sales Funnels.

Clickfunnels Builder
Clickfunnels Builder

Systeme.io has a Sales Funnel Builder with features equal to Clickfunnels, same Drag and Drop builder with section and column configuration options, therefore, Building Sales Funnels with Systeme.io is really easy and intuitive.

Systeme.io Builder
Systeme.io Builder

Go to the official website of Systeme.io

What can be built with Systeme.io?

Systeme.io is a more complete tool than Clickfunnels, what we can do is:

Create Sales Funnels

A visual editor to easily create squeeze pages and forms

Systeme.io Sales Funnel Builder
Systeme.io Sales Funnel Builder

You can choose from the many templates that Systeme.io has or create one from scratch. You can share the landing pages you create among Systeme.io users.

Systeme.io Templates
Systeme.io Templates

A/B Split Testing

This is the same function that Clickfunnels has. When you use this function Systeme.io shows the 2 or more landing pages you created to test which one is the best converted. If a landing page converts better than a single one it shows that Landing Page to the visitors.

Systeme.io A/B Split testing
Systeme.io A/B Split testing

Checkout pages and 1 Click Upsells

A payment page editor with 1-click upsells and order bumps

A Sales funnel would not be complete without a good Checkout Page, Systeme.io easily integrates with Paypal and Stripe payment platforms with a few clicks.

Integrate with Paypal and Stripe
Integrate with Paypal and Stripe

It is also easy to configure your Upsells in a way that your customers only have to click to access them.

Systeme.io Upsell Page
Systeme.io Upsell Page

Email Marketing Automation

An integrated autoresponder to send emails

Compared to Clickfunnels, Systeme.io already has the Email Marketing Automation tool, you don’t need to pay for an autoresponder like Getrepsonse, ActiveCampaign, or Mailerlite.

The simplicity of Systeme.io email marketing tool makes it very easy to create an email campaign

The automation has an intuitive, easy to understand interface being even a beginner

Systeme.io Email Automation
Systeme.io Email Automation

A platform to host membership sites

You can create Membership sites and turn them into recurring customers

Management of subscriptions and installment payments

Systeme.io makes your life easier because you can manage your subscribers and control the payments they make.

Automatic generation of your invoices

You can configure the invoices of your sold products.

Managing your Affiliate Program

If you want other people to promote your products in exchange for a commission, you can build and set up your own Affiliate Program.

systeme.io affiliate program builder
Affiliate Program Builder

More Systeme.io Features

Online Courses

Build an online course and launch it


Build high converting sales funnels to sell physical products

Launch Your Blog

A blog is a great way to bring in organic traffic. Build your blog in just a few clicks

Run Evergreen Webinars

Evergreen webinars are a game-changer when building your email list and making sales on autopilot

Systeme.io Features
Systeme.io Features

Systeme.io vs Builderall

At this point, it is important to compare with other all-in-one tools like Builderall and Kartra.
Systeme.io vs Builderall

Builderall email marketing
Builderall email marketing

In the personal Builderall is a good tool, but its builders and configure all its tools are very complicated to handle. Learning how to use each tool would take a lot of time and you would have to watch many tutorials, and if you are a novice even more.

What I didn’t like at all about Builderall, is to configure an Email Marketing campaign, to start with it doesn’t let you create campaigns with Single Optin, or import a list that you have generated with another tool.

There are many steps to configure to build an email marketing automation that took me more time to search for tutorials than to create the campaign itself.

Systeme.io vs Kartra

kartra Email marketing
Kartra Email marketing

Kartra is a better choice than Builderall, it has the most intuitive email marketing tool, similar to Getresponse, easy to edit landing page templates, configure coupons, integrates easily with Paypal.

Kartra is a much more expensive tool, but is a good option to consider as your business grows.

Systeme.io Pricing

Systeme.io is cheaper than its competitors (for only $27 a month you can handle up to 5,000 contacts and enjoy unlimited emailing)

The best Plan is $47 which allows you to manage up to 10,000 contacts, unlimited emailing, and all the tools you need to grow your business.

Systeme.io Pricing

Kartra Pricing

Kartra is another of the best digital marketing tools, it has a good interface and is also complete, but the prices are much higher compared to Systeme.io

systeme io vs kartra
Systeme.io vs Kartra

Clickfunnels Price

Comparing Systeme.io with Clickfunnels at the price, Systeme.io is also a good option to grow your digital or traditional business, you will pay less for the same tools that Clickfunnels has.

Clickfunnels pricing 2021
Clickfunnels pricing 2021

Systeme.io Free Plan

Previously Systeme.io gave a 14-day trial period, but now that has changed, Systeme.io now has a FREEMIUM Plan with no time limit, where you can create up to 3 sales funnels for FREE, and build a list of up to 1000 contacts.

Go to the official website of Systeme.io

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