July 26, 2024

How to Make Money On Youtube in 2021

make money on youtube

In case you didn’t know, there are many ways to Make Money On Youtube, you just need to understand how this Youtube world moves.

Maybe you have seen that many youtubers or Make a Lot of Money content creators with their Youtube channel, however, one of the main reasons to create content on Youtube is that there are many other ways we can make money through it.

Youtube, How to monetize

make money on youtube
How to earn from youtube

There are strategies that Youtubers apply and I’m going to explain them to you right now:

7 Strategies How to do you make money on Youtube

#1. The first way to earn money from Youtube is with Google Adsense.

Google Adsense is the program for displaying ads on websites and YouTube videos. Adsense connects to your channel and displays ads to people watching your videos.

To monetize your videos with Google Adsense your channel must meet the following requirements:

a) Comply with all YouTube monetization policies

Basically the YouTube Policies indicate: Have original content (no copyright infringement), no uploading of content on alcohol, drugs, no hate speech, etc. In fact, if you are serious about making money with YouTube, it is easy to comply with this YouTube Policy. However, I recommend that you read the full text of the YouTube Policy.

b) Live in a country or region where the YouTube Partner Program is available.

There are only a few restricted countries for this YouTube Partner Program. If you can create a YouTube channel in your country, obviously your country is within the Partner Program, so rest assured.

c) Have more than 4,000 valid public viewing hours in the last 12 months

If your content is original and you show it naturally in your videos, you will quickly reach the 4,000 hours of reproduction. The key is to be yourself, so you will better empathize with your audience, do not pretend to imitate the great Youtubers.

d) Have more than 1,000 subscribers

This goes hand in hand with your content, if you are authentic and the content you show helps to solve some doubt or problem of people, you will get thousands of subscribers in a short time.
Also take into account how often you upload new content to Youtube, if you are constant and upload a video daily, the same Youtube algorithm will help you recommend your video to more people.

e) Have a linked AdSense account

This is the easy part, if you already meet the above requirements, just create an Adsense account at google.com/adsense, enter your real data so that Google can send you a check, or you can also set up payments to your account via Bank Transfer.

#2. The second way How to Make Money on Youtube is through donations with Patreon.

If you have few subscribers and you still don’t meet the requirements of Adsense, you can tell your community about your support through Patreon, just leave a link in the description of your videos with text like this:

“If you liked my content I would love you to support me by giving me some kind of collaboration”.

This strategy is used by many musical artists and is a good option to make money while growing your channel.

#3. The third way to Make Money on Youtube, is with the Affiliate Programs

Personally, it is the best way to monetize your Youtube channel. An affiliate program is one where you recommend a product (physical or digital), do a review, a tutorial, and receive a commission for the sales of the product you are recommending.

People always look for information before making a purchase, this way they will find your video and will be encouraged or not, to buy the product you are talking about.

I explain you the steps to follow for Youtube How to monetize

Step 1. Enter an Affiliate Program

Among the best Affiliate Programs are

  • Shareasale (Physical and digital products)
  • ClickBank (physical and digital products)
  • JvZoo.com (Digital Products)
  • Warriorplus.com (Digital Products)
  • Amazon Affiliate Program (physical and digital products)

Step 2. Choose a product to promote

This product has to be of your affinity since to talk about a product you have to like it so you can recommend it to more people.

For example, I love design, so I will look for a good product about design, it can be a Design Course, software, templates, or whatever I find in the Affiliate Programs.

Step 3. Analyze the commission percentage you will take to your wallet for the product you recommend.

Each product has a commission percentage and certain guidelines in the upsells. You have to read these guidelines to know how much money you will earn by promoting the product.

Step 4. Get your Affiliate Link

Once you have chosen the product, you have to apply for the affiliation and request your Affiliate link. This is important because affiliate programs give you a personal link and it is that link which you have to place in your video descriptions.

Step 5. Do a review, a tutorial, or just talk about the product.

Youtube reviews
Example Youtube Reviews

In the video let people know that you have a link in the description to the product you are talking about, this way people interested in the product will click on your affiliate link and when they buy the product you will get a commission.

My recommendation is that you try to look for those tools that you use, those services/products that you can identify with, and really say “I can recommend this”.

Also, it has to be connected to the theme of your Youtube channel, so that the audience watching you is likely to actually acquire what you are telling them.

#4. The fourth way of How to Earn Money from Youtube is with Patreon

When you upload content for a specific niche, several brands are interested in you promoting, showing, and talking about their products or services, more if it is a niche where you talk about fashion, makeup, games, etc.
Depending on the size of your audience you can charge a considerable amount per video.

I give you the example of Graham Stephan’s Channel

He has a Youtube channel with more than two million subscribers and he mentioned that for a brand to work with him, to talk about some product or service in his channel, brands have to pay between 4.000 and 20.000 dollars per video.

how to make a lot of money
how to make a lot of money with Youtube

#5. The number five-way of How to Make Money on Youtube is through creating your own products

Whether you create digital products, for example: Video Courses, guides, e-books, plugins, software or create physical products, you can promote it to your audience, and a percentage of the audience will buy your product.

#6. Another way to make money on Youtube

Is for you to tell people in your videos that you are scheduling service, and take them directly to the place where they can schedule for a consultancy you are offering.

Use Youtube as a means of constant traffic, so that you can take and generate leads automatically every day so that they can later become customers.

#7. Earn money without showing your face in the videos

One strategy that many are implementing is to create video tutorials, recipe videos, or theme videos with just text and music.

I give you the example of this channel: Natural Cures which has more than 3.12 million subscribers, imagine the amount of money that the creator of this channel is earning, with videos where he is not showing his face and does not put his voice.

The InVideo tool can make your job easier when creating content for Youtube, InVideo is a video creator that has a variety of editable templates.

You can make money in all these ways with your Youtube channel, you have to focus on a niche, a theme, and create original content.

How much do youtubers make?

If we only take into account the earnings with Google Adsense, we can get an idea with the CPM (Cost per Thousand) of $4.67, and this depends on the niche or theme of your channel.

If you have an Entertainment channel the CPM will be lower than a channel that talks about topics like Dropshipping or Ecommerce, where the CPM is over $5.

If your channel’s views total 10.000 views per month, multiply every 1000 views by $5, which results in $50, that would be your channel’s revenue.

Normally if you upload a lot of videos, you will have a high number of views that easily surpass the 100,000 views per month.

We can also see an estimate of how much a Channel earns by doing an analysis with the Socialblade.com website

If we look at the data from the “Natural Cures” Channel on Socialblade.com we have

youtube how to monetize
Youtube, how to monetize

Keep in mind that these data are only estimates, but they are very close to reality.

Best Youtube Course

If I would have to recommend a course on how to make a lot of money from Youtube is Tube Mastery and Monetization.

The creator of this course is Matt Par, a guy who has created 9 Youtube channels and passively earns a lot of money.

The course has good reviews, and people who have gone through the course indicate that they are already making money from Youtube in record time.

Best Youtube Course
Youtube Course

Here is the link to the Tube Mastery and Monetization course, if you want to know more about its content.

Rank Youtube

Rank Youtube
Rank Youtube

Positioning your Youtube Videos in the first pages can be vital for the growth of your Channel, for that you have to apply Youtube SEO, it consists of analyzing what titles, descriptions and tags you can use to position your videos in the first pages of Youtube and even Google.

The main advantage of applying SEO to your Videos is that you will have more visibility, because Youtube will show more people your Videos, therefore, you will have more views and therefore more subscribers.

A free tool that you can use to analyze the competition and search for titles with little competition is the VidIQ extension.

If you want to do Keyword Research on Youtube like a Pro, you can use the Videly tool, which is a tool that automatically looks for titles, descriptions, and tags to position your videos, you can visit this article where I do an in-depth Review of the Videly Youtube SEO Tool.

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