July 26, 2024

Builderall 4.0 Super Free Plan

builderall super free plan

Builderall has launched 2020 a new update of its platform Builderall 4.0, in which we can highlight the Super Free Plan that allows you to use almost all the features of Builderall and other features that we will be talking about in more detail in this article.


Builderall is a tool that is constantly being updated, after version 4.0 the version of Builderall 5.0 stopped giving free access to its users, but do not worry, as time goes by new platforms also emerge, and with better features such as the Digital Marketing Platform Systeme.

If you want to read a complete review of this new tool to build sales funnels and landing pages that even have a Free Plan click here.

What is Builderall?

Builderall 4.0 is an essential tool for all people who do business on the Internet in a professional way because with Builderall you can build a complete Sales Funnel, from a Landing Page (where the data of the potential customer is captured as their email), a Thank You Page, a Checkout Page, the sequence and automation of Email Marketing to do the Remarketing to offer new offers and Upsells.

builderall 4.0 tools
Builderall 4.0

With Builderall you can build all the above and more since the platform has more than 37 tools to optimize your campaigns:

  • Cheetah Drag & Drop Website Builder
  • Cheetah Drag & Drop Funnel Builder
  • Funnel Simulator and Data Comparison
  • Builderall Video Hosting and Manager*
  • Builderall Booking & Calendar App*
  • Builderall Private Chat Builder
  • Drag N Drop Email Marketing Automation
  • Professional Email Marketing Platform
  • Responsive Email Builder
  • Email Scarcity Timers
  • Super Fast CDN Servers
  • Website Daily Backup
  • DDOS Attack Prevention
  • Unlimited Builderall/Cheetah Subdomains
  • Unlimited Membership Areas
  • Blogging Apps
  • Super Checkout
  • Builderall Checkout
  • Auction Checkout
  • E-commerce Checkout (50 products)
  • A/B Split Testing
  • Page Loading Accelerator
  • Smart Popup
  • Countdown, Evergreen, Fixed Date Timers
  • CRM Integrated Tool
  • Builderall Telegram Automation App
  • SMS Messaging
  • Professional Messenger Drag & Drop
  • Chatbot
  • Professional Website Drag & Drop ChatBot
  • Builderall Unlimited Magazine Builder
  • Builderall Professional E-learning Course Builder
  • Webinar Builder
  • Webinar Built-in Call to Action
  • Facebook Live Streaming Tool
  • Youtube Live Streaming Tool
  • WordPress 3-Click Integration
  • List import (subject to approval)

Read also >>> The best alternative to Builderall and Clickfunnels and it’s Free!

Builderall Pricing and Plans

Builderall 4.0 has listened to its loyal users and has adapted its plans to be the most accessible and competitive in the market in comparison to its competitors like Clickfunnels and Kartra.

Builderall pricing is $69 per month in the Premium Plan, eliminating the lower prices of the previous Builderall 3.0 version that enabled few tools on the platform.

They added the Funnel Club Plan which has a cost of $199 one-time payment, then $69 each month.

Therefore, if you acquire the Premium Plan and the Funnel Club the Builderall Cost is $138 per month, not counting the $199 you have to pay to access the Funnel Club.

builderall pricing and plans
Builderall 4.0 Pricing and Plans

Builderall Free Plan vs Premium Plan

Builderall 4.0 has replaced the 14-day free trial period with the Super Free Plan with no time limit that gives you access to many platform tools.

If you choose the Super Free Plan, Builderall enables almost all the main tools, the Landing Pages and Websites will contain a Builderall advertisement and if you create a Course or want to upload videos you have 500 MB of space available in Builderall’s hosting where each video cannot exceed 200 MB.

However, this plan is ideal to familiarize yourself with the platform before upgrading to the Premium Plan, which despite its limitations you can create a Landing Page and generate unlimited subscribers for free, just send traffic as you wish organically or using paid traffic from Facebook Ads and Google Ads.

Premium Plan is certainly better than the free one, where your web pages and Landing Pages no longer contain the Builderall ad, you can integrate 15 custom domains, unlimited subscribers, and have a 10 GB space to create courses, upload videos, and more.

Builderall Funnel Club

builderall funnel club

Other than Super Free Plan and Premium Plan Builderall has added the Funnel Club which offers you more than 300 easy to edit and customize Landing Pages templates, Agency funnels, and Chatbot funnel templates.

Builderall Website Agency

build your free website with builderall

With a premium account, you will be able to run your own website agency, creating sub-accounts for your clients, and charging them directly with your preferred gateway. (100% into your pocket)

Builderall Review

builderall funnel templates
Builderall templates

You may feel overwhelmed at first by the number of tools in Builderall and know how to use each one of them, but you don’t have to use all the tools at once, first start with only those tools that are necessary for your business or the goal you want to achieve.

Personally, I use Builderall to launch my Marketing campaigns sending free and paid traffic to the Landing Pages I built with Builderall, which have become Sales and leads for remarketing later.

Among all the tools that Builderall’s platform brings, I have only used New eLearning, Drag and Drop Website Builder, Social Proof Pop – Up, Email Marketing Automation “Mailingboss” that have generated excellent results in my campaigns.

With the new update of Builderall 4.0, you can now import a list of Emails that you have generated with another platform since previously this feature was not available.

A great feature of Builderall 4.0 is the drag and drop facility to build a website or landing page, you can create professional sites with this feature.

Access the official site of Builderall 4.0 and launch your first marketing campaign without spending a single penny, click here

Builderall Affiliate Review

Direct sales: Affiliates earn 100% commission on their clients’ first payment and 30% commissions on recurring payments.
2nd tier sales: Affiliates earn 30% commissions on clients’ recurring payments on a 2-tier level (under affiliates brought by you).

Builderall vs Clickfunnels

If we compare these 2 excellent platforms: Builderall is the winner in terms of features and price compared to Click Funnels
Builderall has many more tools than Clickfunnels, depending on your business you can use them all or not.
When it comes to price, with Builderall you save a lot of money since Clickfunnels prices are much more expensive to perform the same functions.

clickfunnels pricing
Clickfunnels pricing

Builderall vs Kartra

When comparing Builderall with another excellent tool like Kartra, in relation to the price Builderall is more accessible and as far as what you can achieve with the tools are similar but with Builderall you have more tools.

kartra pricing
Kartra Pricing

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