July 26, 2024

Systeme.io Review 2021: Best Sales Funnel Builder

Best Sales Funnel Builder

In this article, I will talk about my experience with an excellent tool that in my opinion is the Best Sales Funnel Builder, complete and also more accessible if we focus on the price.

Systeme vs Other Platforms

best sales funnel builder
Best sales funnel builder

I have been working on marketing campaigns for 2 years. During that time I have experimented with many of the major online platforms: WordPress, Kajabi, Clickfunnels, Builderall, Kartra, and more.

As far as WordPress is concerned, at least in my case, I didn’t feel very confident, I was susceptible that at any time if a developer made a change in a plug-in, it would cause my business to plummet in structure and fall apart like a house of cards. This happened more than once.

It is attractive to work with WordPress, of course, is that WordPress is free, and that is exactly what behaves like FREE.

For example, you’re using a Plugin for Funnel, but you need another platform for your email marketing, suddenly something stops working, it becomes a battle of which one Plugin is not working well with another, which means you’re waiting for two different support teams to contact you, while a third problem usually arises.

And although WordPress works very well for blogs like this one, when it comes to Digital Marketing you’ll always be looking for support and how to make things work.

I decided that it was more important for me to be able to sell my products and not spend time on becoming a software engineer.

While the other platforms I mentioned are solid, Clickfunnels, Kartra, Kajabi but are expensive in comparison to Systeme.io. They require upgrading accounts to amounts that are frankly unsustainable for companies and businesses that are just starting out.

>>> Go to the official website of Systeme.io

Systeme is The Best Sales Funnel Builder

best sales funnel builder
Drag and Drop Builder

Systeme.io is the most intelligent and intuitive marketing platform I have seen. I was so impressed that in a matter of days I transferred all my campaigns to the Systeme.io platform.

The loading times for the pages are extremely fast. It is built in a way that makes sense and is stripped of any excess baggage such as buying couponing add-ons or having only a small amount of contacts allowed in the package, when in fact this is the time you need to allow for more leads.

If you are building an online business, you should be prepared to go through thousands of people to find your potential customers.

If you come to Systeme.io looking for the same functionality as the complete Email Marketing platforms with complex “if this/then that” conditions (Getresponse, Activecampaign), you’re looking in the wrong place. However, Systeme.io’s Email Marketing Automation tool is constantly being updated and works perfectly well for the essentials.

The essential is what counts. The essential is what matters and Systeme.io delivers the essential better than anyone I have ever seen.

To learn more about the features of Systeme.io click here

Before launching your campaign with Systeme

email marketing automation
Email Marketing Automation

People often get ahead of themselves by trying to automate all kinds of things before they have established and solved the most important factor: Do you have a good product that sells?

If you have that, Systeme.io will help you boost your business. If you don’t have it, no software will, you need to test and check your offer first, there is NO shortcut for this.

You can use the Free Trial period that Systeme.io has to test your product and fine-tune some details before you start it would be a good practice.

What has impressed me more than the solid and fluid design of Systeme.io, is that it makes a lot of sense and focuses on the essentials and ease, yes I must say again: it is the easiest and most intuitive platform I have ever worked on, but this is only matched by world-class support as I have never experienced.

My experience with Support

I gladly paid in advance for my entire year to have one of their experts migrate all my sites. I thank Nabil Djerroud, an absolute genius, technically he is relentless and focuses on every detail. He not only migrated my sites but also took suggestions to the development team when we needed things to look a certain way and what completely surprised me was that Systeme.io’s technicians created what we needed when it was within the framework.

Systeme.io is not a platform that “Jerry-rig”. It is not something that is “scotch tape” along with other solutions to see if everything works for free. You buy it, you commit to it and it delivers consistently. The site has never been down, in more than two months that I use the platform, I have never been disappointed by the support.

My final opinion

If I had to offer a one-sentence answer about what impressed me most about Systeme.io, it is that without seeing any tutorial I was able to instinctively create a funnel and it all made sense.
So it all comes down to this: you get what you pay for, except here with Systeme.io you get what you don’t pay for, you get much more. It doesn’t have the premium price tag, it just has all the essential features that are a premium priority for a business.

These features are: ease of use, reliability, first-class support, and continuous development of the platform as new features are added. However, as I have read that the founder Aurelian wrote more than once, I am paraphrasing of course: they focus on the essentials and make sure they work before introducing anything new to the platform.

This is very true. Bells and whistles do not make a business. I compare it to the process of building a house. You can have nice windows – ooh la look at that, but it’s your foundation that keeps everything standing. Systeme.io is the foundation of your online offerings.

I just want to say that I was not paid or compensated for this testimonial. I also want to add that, although it is largely a part of my marketing strategy and the way I handle Facebook ads, we are converting potential customers from 22 cents to 15 cents, but you can’t convert anything unless the platform you are working on is solid and you have a world-class support team ready to help.

As a farewell I would like to say that, if you are an online vendor, focus on producing your content and contacts, don’t waste your time becoming a software engineer, or try to automate complex processes with WordPress. The time you save will be worth every penny.

Here is the link to the Systeme.io platform if you want to try it out.


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