July 26, 2024

How to Create Multiple Income Streams

How to Create Multiple Income Streams

Making money online is possible, below, I will show you How to Create Multiple Income Streams and get paid to Paypal or your Bank account.

These are the steps you can take to start creating some of these income streams, in your spare time, without stopping what you do regularly.

These methods work almost everywhere in the world, and you can apply them from now on, they are methods that are real as I have tested them and they are currently generating me an extra income.

How to Create Multiple Income Streams

How to Create Multiple Income Streams

To start, I have to say that each of these ways to make money online is not overnight, nothing that is good is easy or fast, you need to have consistency in the application of strategies, create content without stopping until you get consistent results.

Affiliate Marketing with Systeme (Funnel Builder)

How to Create Multiple Income Streams
How to Create Multiple Income Streams

I have made $7398, 41 dollars, and 255.44 euros purely with affiliate commissions, these commissions are generated automatically every month, it is what they call passive income.

In this case, I am working with the Digital Marketing platform Systeme.io, this is software that I use in my daily business to build websites, create landing pages, opt-in pages, and manage customers.

This is a software that I use in my day-to-day business to manage my own business, but also this software has an affiliate or referral program that pays by Paypal.

Systeme Affiliate Program

systeme io affiliate program
Systeme.io Affiliate Program

The Systeme.io Affiliate Program pays 40% for life to its affiliates, or until the referred customer pays to use the tool.

To join the Systeme.io Affiliate Program you don’t need to buy a monthly plan, or pay any fees, promoting Systeme.io tools is totally Free and the commissions you earn are deposited into your Paypal account.

Basically, you get your affiliate link, share it on social networks, with your friends, acquaintances, or interested people who want to create sales funnels and Landing pages.

The best thing is to create a group or community where you share similar tools to grow an online business, a Youtube channel is the best way to find people who are very interested in new Digital Marketing tools.

You have to take into account that you should NOT promote low-quality products, I promote this software because I use it every day and I know it is very high-quality software.

Before using this software I used to use other page builders like Clickfunnels, Kartra, Leadpages, and I didn’t like how they worked, I didn’t like them because they were buggy, slow, and too expensive.

Systeme.io in Trustpilot
Systeme.io in Trustpilot

This software is by far one of the best tools for digital business that I have found now. And therefore it is very well accepted by users. Just look at the reviews on the Trustpilot website, Systeme.io has a rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars.

Read also: 3 Free and Editable Affiliate Marketing Templates

Create a Video Course

How to Create Multiple Income Stream with Systeme.io
How to Create Multiple Income Stream with Systeme.io

The second revenue stream is Digital Education. For this, you can use the same Systeme.io Software as it has the tool to create an Online Course.

In the following image, I show you how I have already generated more than 7 thousand dollars in sales in the last 30 days. This number has nothing to do with Affiliate commissions.

These earnings are from digital marketing training, video courses, and consulting services.
You can create courses on any topic, for example, a course or tutorial to learn how to use FL Studio, many people want to learn how to use this Music Editing software, you create a Video tutorial, host it on Systeme.io’s Course Builder and then publish it on the different sites. This is how I have managed to sell a simple course and earn more than 7 thousand dollars.

Create a Youtube channel

How to Create Multiple Income Streams with Youtube
How to Create Multiple Income Streams with Youtube

During the last 30 days Youtube has paid me 5255$ dollars this is purely from advertising revenue probably I can increase this number to much more, I can start posting videos every day, but I don’t do it, I don’t want to do it because I am not a Youtuber, I have other things to do so I just try to post videos every week or every two weeks, so during the last month I have posted only two videos, but they are of very high quality.

In the videos I post I teach Digital Marketing strategies and tips, I recommend that you focus on creating high-value content, you don’t need to create a lot of videos, quality is better than quantity, people will really like this and they will start following you.

Focus on a single niche, do not upload content from one topic to another, people like good content from beginning to end.

Make Money with Clickbank

How to Create Multiple Income Streams with clickbank
How to Create Multiple Income Streams

Clickbank can fall into the category of Affiliate Marketing, every week I get paid from Clickbank, and in the last few days, it has been six thousand dollars, two thousand dollars, the week before one thousand nine hundred of course I have weeks that I get paid only nine hundred dollars.

Clickbank is a digital product marketplace where you can affiliate with any product and promote it to earn commissions. Clickbank commissions range from 75% to 50% and most digital producers give you instant access to promote their products.

This way of making money online is one of the ones I like the most, you don’t have to deal with customer service or owning these products, you simply send traffic to the different offers and if you do it right you get sales and commissions.

To generate consistent sales from Clickbank I use Facebook groups, what I do is create a group for a specific niche, I upload content for people to join and then show them an offer. This has worked perfectly for me and is what is generating constant sales without having to pay for advertising or paid traffic.

Thanks to Ross Minchev for letting me use his Youtube content to be able to write this article, you can find more similar content on his Youtube channel, you can find it by searching as “Ross Minchev”.

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