July 26, 2024

Free Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing

Free Landing Page for Affiliate Marketin

If you are in Affiliate Marketing, you know how important it is to have a Free Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing, whether you are testing to promote a product or identify if your Landing Page converts, before investing in paid advertising.

Many people recommend using WordPress and Elementor to build Free Landing Pages. Still, one of the complications I’ve encountered is that you need to install many plugins to make your landing page work as you want it to work.

When a plugin doesn’t work at that moment, you have to contact support that, on many occasions, will not respond quickly.

That’s why now I’m going to show you an excellent tool to build a Free landing page for Affiliate Marketing, in which you can create Sales Funnels in a few minutes.

Best Free Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing

Free Landing Page
Free Landing Page

At this point, we can not say concretely that Landing Page is the best for Affiliate Marketing; it is something that you will have to reach through trial and error since many factors influence the success of a Landing Page, such as copywriting, CTAs, the type of traffic you are sending, etc.

However, we can say that a Landing page for Affiliate Marketing must contain the following parts:

Free Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing
Landing Page Elements

Depending on what you are promoting, a Landing Page can contain all or some of these elements. Personally, I have found that simple landing pages work better, but with good copywriting.

Starting from the basis of what elements a Landing page has to have, here is an example.

free landing page

Download this Free Landing Page

Download now Free Customizable and Editable Landing Page Templates for free

Free Landing Page Maker Software

The best platform with which you can build Free Landing Pages is Systeme, this platform has a sales funnel builder that is very easy to use since it has a friendly, fast, and fluid interface.

Free Landing Page Maker Software
Free Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing

We are taking advantage of Free access to this platform to create Free Landing Page and send organic or paid traffic because once you finish building your Landing Page, it is already functional.
You can work your landing page from a Template, you can choose a template and customize it with your brand, colors, and images, or you can also build it from scratch.

More Free Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing

I have been working for a while with Systeme Platform and I can say that their funnel builder has a lot of similarity with Clickfunnels funnel builder, it is very flexible, where you can even customize the CSS code to get gradient backgrounds that don’t overload the weight of your landing page.

Free Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing
Free Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing

Below you can download other free templates worked with Systeme and edit them.

Why choose Systeme and not other platforms?

I started with other similar platforms like Clickfunnels, Builderall and then I switched to Kartra, but these platforms have a more expensive price in their plans, so it was not very convenient for me to continue working with these tools.

Then I did the free trial with Systeme, which at the time was only 14 days and from there I started to migrate all my sales funnels to this new platform.

Aurelian Amecker, the founder of Systeme announces constant updates and new applications within the Systeme platform.

Despite the updates, the price still remains the same, since a year ago they added features like the Quiz maker, new features to build a sales funnel, the founder has always focused on providing a solution for people who can’t access expensive tools like Clickfunnels.

I invite you to see for yourself how this platform works, you can use the platform for free and even build a list of up to 1000 contacts.

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