July 26, 2024

Best Web Hosting for WordPress in 2021

hosting for wordpress

In this article, we will talk about the best Web Hosting for WordPress, which is personally fast, with a support that is there to help you 24/7, with unlimited bandwidth, or at least that’s what they indicate and with a super accessible price.

Best web hosting for SEO

hosting for wordpress
Fastest Hositng

Banahosting is receiving many positive votes and good reviews in Forums where they talk about SEO, blogs, and websites.

And that’s why I decided to change some of my blogs to Banahosting and I’m actually very happy with their service.

Fastest hosting for WordPress

Doing some speed tests, clearly, this blog has increased its loading speed, which is a positive point to a position in the first pages of Google.

Banahosting is among the top ten WordPress hosting companies, but not only has the shared hosting service, but it also has VPS services, and domain sales.

Banahosting Features

Benahosting features
Benahosting features

Among the main features of Banahosting I can highlight that the servers are already SSD, the hosting service comes with a free SSL certificate, with a Cpanel administrator to easily manage your pages.

On Banahosting’s Official Website you can read in detail all the features that they offer.
Web hosting services for small business

If you were looking for the ideal hosting for small businesses, I suggest you start with Banahosting, not so much because of the price, which in fact is below many other companies that offer Web Hosting for WordPress, but because of how fast their servers are and that you have a support that will help you solve any problem that comes your way.

>>> Go to the official Banahosting website Now

Banahosting Pricing and Plans

The prices of Banahosting plans offer many more advantages and at a much lower price than its competitors, hiring a similar service with other platforms is much more expensive and even has limitations.

banahosting pricing
Banahosting pricing

The plan that has more advantages is the Bana Professional Plan, especially if you are planning to set up more than one website.

With the Bana Professional Plan, you can add other domains, such as 3 to 5 maximum in a single plan, this is to avoid overloading the Hosting.

Example: SiteGround Pricing

siteground pricing

Bluehost Reviews

Bluehost is one of the other Best WordPress hosting companies with similar characteristics to Banahosting, but what this company adds is the CDN service, and if you choose the CHOICE PLUS Plan they give you the service of creating an Automatic Free Backup for one year.

Bluehost’s servers are also SSD, with a Free SSL certificate, and CPanel administrator.

Bluehost Pricing

We can notice that Bluehost’s prices are a few dollars more than Banahosting’s, but it is already up to each user to decide which of these two companies to work with to host a website.

bluehost pricing
Bluehost Pricing

As with Banahosting, I recommend the CHOICE PLUS Plan because if in the future you want to add a new site, you will not have to hire a new hosting service.

Do not add more than 5 domains in a single plan, it is recommended.

>>> Go to the official Bluehost Website Now

Banahosting or Bluehost?

In conclusion, as I said before I chose Banahosting for all the features and also the price is the cheapest in the market.

But if you decide to hire a Bluehost hosting service is not bad at all, these 2 companies are the best in the WordPress hosting market.

These are companies that are the best options in terms of service and price, especially if you are just starting out.

Always try to hire a hosting where the company that provides the service has good customer service, and it better be 24/7 because while you are advancing in your project every time there is a difficulty, the support will save you.

Also take into account that the hosting service you hire has CPanel, this way you will be able to manage your website easily.

You may also be interested >>> Best Cloud Hosting with CPanel for 5 Years

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